PMI Crest
Clara the superfund with super powers, transforming DB pensions

Clara the superfund with super powers, transforming DB pensions

20 June 2024 | 10:00 - 11:00
Free for members

Clara the superfund with super powers, transforming DB pensions

Academy training by Clara Pensions

Clara’s recent transactions with the Sears Retail Pension Scheme and Debenhams Retirement Scheme mean the organisation is now serving the needs of 20,000 members and overseeing approximately £1.2bn of assets.

Join us as we meet Ashu Bhargava, Clara’s Chief Origination Officer and discover what this superfund is and how it works. We’ll explore what it takes to start a new proposition in this industry and what investments are needed to perform such huge transactions. We’ll also learn about the positive outcomes that can be achieved when putting pension scheme members first.

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    Free for members
    £50 (+VAT) for Non-Members
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    1 Hour

    of CPD
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Event Details


Topics of discussion:
  • What is a superfund
  • How does it work?
  • Positive outcomes that can be achieved when putting pension scheme members first
Who should attend:
  • Trustees
  • Pension managers
  • Investment consultants / advisors
  • Lawyers
  • Anyone working within a DB pension scheme
The venue
Event Venue Zoom
Ashu Bhargava
Ashu Bhargava
Clara Pensions
- Chief Origination Officer

Ashu has worked with many boards of trustees and sponsors of pensions schemes on optimising their journey plans to self-sufficiency or buyout. Ashu joined Clara as he believes Clara takes innovative journey plan optimisation to another level and can provide even greater security for members and even greater certainty for sponsors, all at a lower cost.

Ashu has 25 years’ experience in the pensions market, including at WTW, where he worked as both a Scheme and Corporate Actuary. While at WTW, a project led by Ashu won the Professional Pensions Pension Scheme Trustees of the Year Award and Pension Age Best Risk Management Exercise Award. While at L&G, a project led by Ashu won the Pension Age Best Risk Management Exercise Award.

Lisa Hampton
Lisa Hampton
Pensions Management Institute
- Training Developer & Administrator