PMI Crest
Northern Conference 2024

Northern Conference 2024

12 September 2024 | 9:30 - 17:00

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Northern Conference 2024

PMI's Northern Conference is a must-attend event for anyone involved in the pensions industry, whether you're an experienced professional or just starting your career. This gathering will feature an impressive lineup of renowned speakers, representing a diverse range of organisations and backgrounds, who will share their expertise, insights, and latest developments in the field. 

By attending the conference, you'll gain access to valuable knowledge and practical strategies to navigate the ever-changing landscape of pensions. In addition to the insightful sessions, the Northern Conference provides ample networking opportunities. Connect with industry peers, forge new relationships, and expand your professional network. Share ideas, exchange experiences, and collaborate with like-minded professionals who are passionate about shaping the future of pensions.

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    Members: Free
    Affiliate and Corporate members: £600 (+VAT)
    Non-members: £1200 (+VAT)
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Event Details


Topics of discussion:

More details to follow.

Who should attend:
  • Pension Scheme Managers
  • Trustees
  • Administrators
  • Policy advisers
  • Consultants
  • Lawyers
  • Corporate IFAs
  • Investment managers
  • Actuaries
  • Communication professionals
The venue

The Terrace - 3 Wellington Place, Leeds, England, LS1 4AP

3 Wellington Place By Bevan Cockerill 52


More details to follow.

09:30 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:10
Welcome from the PMI
Robert Wakefield FPMI
Robert Wakefield FPMI
10:10 - 10:40
Navigating the Future: The next steps in Government’s Pensions Policy
Samantha Hainsworth
Deputy Director of Defined Benefit Pension Policy Division

This keynote speech will provide an in-depth overview of the new government's approach to pensions policy and regulation. The session will outline the key priorities and strategic objectives that will shape the pensions landscape in the coming years. Attendees will gain valuable insights into the anticipated changes, reforms, and innovations aimed at enhancing retirement security.

10:40 - 11:25
Currency exchange
Bruce D George, CFA, CAIA, Chartered MCSI, EPMI
Bruce D George, CFA, CAIA, Chartered MCSI, EPMI
P/E Investments LLC
Partner, Investor Solutions
11:25 - 11:45
Networking break
11:45 - 12:20
12:20 - 12:55
Panel discussion: What's next for auto-enrolment?
12:55 - 13:55
13:55 - 14:30
Panel discussion: ED&I
WEALTH at work
WEALTH at work
14:35 - 15:05
Breakout session - Ensuring cyber safety - Strategies for pension fund security

In today's interconnected world, cybersecurity has become a critical concern for the pensions industry. As pension funds increasingly rely on digital platforms to manage assets and personal data, they become prime targets for cybercriminals.

This breakout session will provide an essential overview of the current cybersecurity landscape, focusing on the most pressing threats and the latest regulatory updates. Delegates will gain insights into best practices for enhancing cyber hygiene, protecting sensitive data, and managing third-party risks.

14:35 - 15:05
Breakout session - Funding code
Tim Middleton
Tim Middleton
Director of Policy and External Affairs

TPR’s new Funding Code will become operational with effect from 22 September this year. From 22 September 2024, trustees of DB schemes will be required to complete a statement of strategy at the same time as they complete their first actuarial valuation after that date. They will also be required to conduct far more details covenant analysis than is currently required. Scheme sponsors will also be required to rectify scheme deficits as soon as it is possible for them to do so.

However, the timing of the General Election has meant that the Regulations directing trustees on how the Code is to be implemented have yet to be laid before Parliament. For those schemes immediately affected by the new Code (by virtue of having a Valuation Date after 22 September) this represents a significant problem. How should trustees, sponsors and those who advise them to prepare?

During this session we will cover:

  • Summary of the new code
  • Timing problems concerning its implementation
  • What trustees with a valuation after 22 September should be doing now
15:05 - 15:25
Networking break
15:25 - 16:00
The Future of Pensions - Lifetime Savings Initiative
Rachel Harris
Rachel Harris
Schroders Solutions
Head of DC & Retirement Solutions
Ronan O’Riordan
Ronan O’Riordan
Schroders Solutions
Head of UK Institutional Business Development
James Barham
James Barham
Schroders Solutions
Executive Chair, Schroders Solutions
Gareth Tancred
Gareth Tancred
Robert Wakefield FPMI
Robert Wakefield FPMI

The PMI and Schroders are spearheading -The Lifetime Savings Initiative (LSI) bringing together influential stakeholders from across consumer, savings, and pensions markets with an aim to identify, understand and propose solutions to the fundamental challenges faced by people in managing their finances.

This session will delve into:

  • The future is bigger than pensions
  • Understanding the drivers and pain points
  • Solutions for a brighter future for all
16:00 - 17:00
Drinks reception on the terrace


More details to follow.

Bruce D George, CFA, CAIA, Chartered MCSI, EPMI
Bruce D George, CFA, CAIA, Chartered MCSI, EPMI
P/E Investments LLC
- Partner, Investor Solutions
Gareth Tancred
Gareth Tancred

Gareth Tancred is the Chief Executive of the PMI. He is responsible for the development of strategy, operational plans to deliver it and the executive management and administration of the PMI.
Prior to joining the PMI, Gareth was the CEO of the British Institute of Facilities Management where he oversaw a significant growth in its qualifications, membership and profitability, creating a stronger voice for the profession and working with Government on a number of initiatives for the benefit of the economy and society.

He has over 24 years’ experience at Board level, ranging from SMEs to large UK, European and international organisations, with an extensive portfolio as CFO.

Gareth became a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants in 1994, having qualified in 1992.

James Barham
James Barham
Schroders Solutions
- Executive Chair, Schroders Solutions
Rachel Harris
Rachel Harris
Schroders Solutions
- Head of DC & Retirement Solutions
Robert Wakefield FPMI
Robert Wakefield FPMI
- President
Ronan O’Riordan
Ronan O’Riordan
Schroders Solutions
- Head of UK Institutional Business Development
Tim Middleton
Tim Middleton
- Director of Policy and External Affairs

Tim Middleton has worked in the pensions industry since 1987. His roles have covered consultancy with Bacon & Woodrow (now Aon), Mercer and Barnett Waddingham. He is currently Director of Policy and External Affairs for the Pensions Management Institute (PMI), where he works extensively on the Policy and Public Affairs Committee and provides input into PMI’s education and events programmes. He also writes frequently for the pensions press. He is a Fellow of the PMI and holds the CII’s Diploma in Financial Planning. He is a past chairman of the PMI’s London Group.

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WEALTH at work
WEALTH at work
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