During 2020, changes to working practices, combined with a fast-changing investment and regulatory environment, added to an already evolving and growing list of priorities for Trustees. We therefore saw a need to provide some guidance to Trustees on what were likely to be key themes for 2021.
By carrying out this research, we are able to share some valuable knowledge around the issues facing Fiduciary Management and Trustees. This will not only help market participants to plan and prioritise, but also help us to work with them to develop solutions and services that match their evolving needs.
As part of this initiative we are forming a Fiduciary Management Strategic Forum made up of leading industry practitioners. This Forum will meet quarterly to continue to discuss and develop themes affecting the markets, as well as pinpointing new ones as they arise throughout 2021. The debate and conversation that this brings will also inform us around the questions to cover for next year’s Survey.
We hope you enjoy reading the findings.
Last update: 14 March 2022
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